Tiếng Anh - Từ vựng (trình độ B)

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Nội dung text: Tiếng Anh - Từ vựng (trình độ B)

  1. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 1 I hope he's ___ to buy some bread; there's hardly any left. A. reminded B. proposed C. suggested D. remembered 2 Many accidents in the home could be ___ if householders gave more thought to safety in their houses. A. avoided B. excluded C. protected D. preserved 3 Susie didn't leave for the station until the very ___ moment. A. latest B. least C. late D. last 4 When are you going to give back that money you ___ me? A. lend B. owe C. borrow D. debt 5 Each ___ of the family had to take it in turns to do the washing up. A. individual B. character C. member D. person 6 Children and old people do not take kindly to having their daily ___ upset. A. habit B. method C. routine D. custom 7 If that firm wants to attract workers, it must ___ the pay. A. lower B. raise C. spread D. rise 8 I'm afraid this computer package is totally ___ for our organization. A. undeniable B. unsuitable C. unspeakable D. unmistakable 9 The Chairman was so angry with the committee that he decided to ___ from it. A. cancel B. postpone C. resign D. prevent
  2. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 10 I want to see all of you here tomorrow morning at nine o'clock without ___. A. fail B. fault C. late D. miss 11 He ___ escape from the prison by dressing up as a guard, and then crossed the border by train. A. can B. was able C. succeeded in D. managed to 12 It was impossible for her to tell the truth, so she had to ___ a story. A. invent B. combine C. manage D. lie 13 The child woke up crying because she had ___ a nightmare. A. had B. seen C. dreamt D. felt 14 Didn't it ever ___ to them that they would be punished? A. occur B. happen C. enter D. strike 15 One ___ of his job is that it is near where I live. A. goodness B. advantage C. pleasure D. preference 16 This is a photograph of the school I ___ when I lived in Swindon. A. used B. assisted C. joined D. attended 17 Many accidents are caused by ___ driving. A. harmless B. careless C. harmful D. careful 18 He ___ very quickly after his illness. A. recovered B. discovered C. uncovered D. covered 19 My uncle was ___ by a gang of terrorist last week.
  3. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG A. slaughtered B. destroyed C. murdered D. assassinated 20 My aunt ___ a brightly-coloured thread round her finger so as not to forget her appointment. A. wound B. curved C. wounded D. rang 21 They were warned never ___ with the members of any extremist group. A. to associate B. to assimilate C. to assign D. to assume 22 Some people think it is ___ to use long and little-known words. A. clever B. intentional C. unstable D. sensitive 23 The children loved ___ the old castle. A. discovering B. exploring C. hunting D. detecting 24 Mr. and Mrs. Black were delighted when they ___ to sell their house so quickly. A. succeeded B. could C. risked D. managed 25 Caring for her younger brother is a ___ burden for her, but she never complains. A. sour B. bitter C. large D. heavy 26 That fellow has a dishonest ___ in his character. A. stripe B. streak C. stroke D. strip 27 The shops are always ___ of people at Christmas time. A. full B. stuffed C. busy D. crowded
  4. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 28 His request ___ me completely by surprise. A. left B. shook C. made D. took 29 Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult to ___. A. break B. beat C. breathe D. cough 30 It is a great ___ that the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work. A. pity B. sorrow C. complaint D. sadness 31 She's got a fabulous job and she earns a great ___ of money. A. deal B. quantity C. amount D. level 32 Many of the jobs which have been created in this area can be directly ___ to tourism. A. supported B. dedicated C. attracted D. attributed 33 He saw the plane crash into the sea when its engines ___. A. failed B. stood C. struck D. held 34 I can't ___ what he's doing; it's so dark down there. A. see through B. make out C. look into D. show up 35 Mr. and Mrs. Hudson are always ___ with each other about money. A. annoying B. arguing C. opposing D. shouting 36 It is a good idea to be ___ dressed when you go for an interview. A. finely B. boldly C. smartly D. clearly
  5. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 37 The ___ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not. A. forcible B. supreme C. valuable D. crucial 38 In spite of the anaesthetic, Pauline was fully ___ during the operation. A. awake B. conscious C. aware D. sensitive 39 This morning the postman was ___ down the street by my dog. A. hunted B. chased C. run D. sped 40 I could ___ a note of panic in his voice. A. desist B. detect C. detest D. deter 41 Thousands of people use the ___ of footpaths across these hills. A. grid B. circuit C. network D. channel 42 She chose some attractive ___ paper for the Christmas present. A. covering B. wrapping C. involving D. packing 43 It was very beautiful cloth ___ from silk. A. composed B. worn C. woven D. threaded 44 We've ___ of time to catch the train so there's no need to rush. A. very much B. enough C. great deal D. plenty 45 We couldn't have our picnic because it began to ___ with rain. A. flow B. drench C. run D. pour 46 The meteorologists say that we're likely to have a ___ winter.
  6. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG A. calm B. soft C. mild D. smooth 47 The heavy rainstorms ___ more than five days. A. went B. took C. proceeded D. lasted 48 There will now be a ___ interval for refreshments. A. small B. little C. light D. short 49 The play was very long, but there were two ___. A. intervals B. rests C. interruptions D. gaps 50 The stolen jewels were ___ a lot of money. A. valued B. cost C. priced D. worth 51 They were ___ for smuggling jewelry into the country. A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned 52 At first, very few people believed Darwin's theory of evolution because it did not seem at all ___. A. plausible B. creditable C. feasible D. discernible 53 I haven't met him, but I did once ___ across his wife. A. go B. get C. come D. look 54 Tom ___ his next appointment at the doctor's. A. cancelled B. erased C. wiped D. ended 55 The wind blew so hard and so strongly that the windows ___ in their frames. A. rattled
  7. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG B. slapped C. flapped D. shocked 56 He has a bad cold and won't be ___ to play in the match tomorrow. A. adequate B. appropriate C. fit D. proper 57 He drives so quickly that I am afraid that one day he will ___ someone crossing the street. A. crash down B. knock down C. turn over D. run across 58 Don't worry: the snake is perfectly ___. A. tame B. harmless C. harmful D. domestic 59 The shirt I was wearing today was torn, but I don't think anyone ___. A. watched B. remarked C. mentioned D. noticed 60 In the jar, there was a ___ which looked like jam. A. substance B. material C. solid D. powder 61 We expected him at eight but he finally ___ at midnight. A. came to B. turned out C. turned up D. came off 62 He was an ___ writer because he persuaded many people to see the trust of his idea. A. ordinary B. influential C. unlimited D. accurate 63 The old lady was very ___ for our help. A. pleased B. appreciated C. delighted D. grateful 64 From now on, everything will be ___ sailing, I hope. No more problems. A. simple
  8. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG B. straight C. plain D. pretty 65 He had made his money by developing a profitable travel ___. A. commerce B. shop C. affair D. business 66 The boy fell into the river and was ___ along by the fast current. A. caught B. swept C. thrown D. swung 67 He had no way of making a fire so he had to eat the fish ___. A. crude B. raw C. rough D. rude 68 The child was told to ___ for being rude to his uncle. A. excuse B. apologize C. forgive D. confess 69 The concert was so ___ that the audience went to sleep. A. bored B. boring C. exhausted D. tired 70 When Mike entered the room, he looked rather pale and in ___ of a shave. A. lack B. need C. want D. necessity 71 The traffic lights ___ to green, and the cars drove on. A. exchanged B. turned C. removed D. shone 72 Absenteeism per employee ___ out at 4 days a year. A. acts B. aims C. averages D. arrives 73 This is the ___ of the bicycle which was stolen. A. detail B. description C. information
  9. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG D. example 74 She ___ me of the first time we met, when we knocked into each other with our umbrellas. A. remembered B. recalled C. reminded D. remained 75 When we visited the zoo on Sunday afternoon it was very crowded but on a weekday it’s practically ___. A. full B. clear C. empty D. uncrowded 76 ___ of all the staff, I would like to wish you a happy retirement. A. Instead B. In place C. On behalf D. On account 77 She needs a lot of help, but she always refuses ___ advice of any kind. A. to reject B. rejecting C. accepting D. to accept 78 When he retired from his job, the directors ___ him with a clock. A. offered B. pleased C. satisfied D. presented 79 The old sailing boat was ___ without trace during the fierce storm. A. lost B. crashed C. disappeared D. vanished 80 My favourite ___ is roast beef. A. dish B. eat C. menu D. plate 81 At four o'clock, Mr. Hutchinson still had some ___ to do in the garden. A. work B. job C. effort D. task 82 There was so much noise that we could hardly ___ what the speaker was saying. A. take in B. take up C. bring in
  10. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG D. bring out 83 I wish I could ___ smoking. A. give away B. give from C. give up D. give out 84 The United States ___ from voting at the United Nations yesterday. A. discontinued B. refused C. rejected D. abstained 85 I like current affairs programmes that aren't afraid to tackle ___ subjects. A. concurrent B. controversial C. consecutive D. contradictory 86 I had no ___ that the divorce rate was so high in this country. A. knowledge B. idea C. doubt D. understanding 87 In today's newspaper, it ___ that oil has been discovered off the west coast. A. advertises B. notices C. writes D. says 88 The hotel room was so dirty that I was ___ and complained to the manager. A. ashamed B. disgusted C. disgusting D. embarrassed 89 The Queen has said that she will ___ the ceremony. A. engage B. come C. attend D. impart 90 We believe that the cumulative effects of renewed prosperity will ___ expectations. A. overcome B. surpass C. undermine D. succeed 91 It's distressing to see small children ___ in the streets. A. pleading B. imploring C. entreating D. begging
  11. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 92 The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to ___ new procedures to save time and money. A. manufacture B. establish C. control D. restore 93 The safety committee's report recommended that all medicines should be kept out of the ___ of children. A. hold B. hand C. reach D. grasp 94 The manager ___ the men to return to work immediately. A. insisted B. suggested C. demanded D. ordered 95 The burglar ___ to open a window at the back of the house. A. succeeded B. managed C. forced D. discovered 96 We ___ going to the concert. The orchestra was marvelous. A. enjoyed B. wanted C. hated D. decided 97 Although the town had changed in the ten years since he had last visited it, much of it was still ___ to him. A. accustomed B. common C. familiar D. relative 98 If you want to change the shirt that you bought, make sure that you keep the ___. A. ticket B. receipt C. bill D. notice 99 Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous ___. A. views B. scenes C. scenery D. sights 100 The house is ___ at the corner of a busy street. A. situated B. placed
  12. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG C. stood D. put 101 The new factory chimney was ___ than all the trees around it. A. longer B. greater C. deeper D. taller 102 The police ___ me $12 for parking at a bus-stop. A. charged B. asked C. demanded D. fined 103 Her parents were very ___ because she was out so late that night. A. responsible B. sorry C. worried D. overcome 104 You may not have to stay the night but take a toothbrush just in ___. A. case B. time C. order D. preparation 105 On the ___ to the town, there is a beautiful wood. A. direction B. street C. way D. entrance 106 I'm afraid that we don't have any ___ sizes in stock, madam. A. higher B. larger C. greater D. taller 107 The patient ___ to listen to his doctor's advice. A. refused B. hindered C. lacked D. resigned 108 Children with ___ diseases should not be allowed to go to school. A. contact B. infectious C. constant D. influential 109 His ___ for his loyal support of the party was a seat in the Cabinet. A. recompense B. repayment C. reward D. compensation
  13. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 110 I don't know the answer myself but I'll ___ around and see if anybody else knows. A. ask B. attend C. accord D. aim 111 The garage gave me a 5 per cent ___ for paying cash. A. discount B. bargain C. sale D. less 112 Trade Union officials and management met today to discuss the ___ at the factory. A. strike B. closing C. block D. shutting 113 Don't ___ him to arrive early. He's always late. A. think B. judge C. attend D. expect 114 He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ___ after a meal and a rest. A. renewed B. renovated C. refreshed D. remade 115 The bank ___ planned to escape in a stolen car. A. thieves B. bandits C. burglars D. robbers 116 He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to ___ him to go. A. persuade B. suggest C. make D. prevent 117 The film ___ several scenes that might upset young children. A. admits B. involves C. contains D. displays 118 We returned our TV set to the shop because it was ___. A. faulty B. mistaken C. incorrect
  14. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG D. wrong 119 He ___ me $20 for mending my bicycle. A. charged B. asked C. demanded D. owed 120 Inflation and its upward ___ is the scourge of our days. A. trend B. bend C. stream D. move 121 Her guest apologized for causing her so much ___. A. problem B. complication C. trouble D. damage 122 I am ___ to come to the meeting on Monday evening; please apologize for my absence. A. capable B. excused C. unable D. disliked 123 They brought the land with a ___ to building a new office block. A. view B. purpose C. goal D. reason 124 The defendant's family were present at the ___. A. court B. appeal C. law D. hearing 125 I don't ___ with your decision but I do think that you might have told me last week. A. displease B. disagree C. dislike D. disregard 126 Our car was badly ___ in the accident. A. broken B. injured C. damaged D. hurt 127 He ___ his friend to go camping with him. A. attracted B. suggested C. appealed
  15. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG D. persuaded 128 I ___ my family very much when I'm away from home. A. lack B. miss C. long D. lose 129 The ___ age of the population in most western countries is rising fast. A. medium B. general C. average D. middle 130 You can't get sleeping pills unless you go to the doctor and get a ___. A. receipt B. bill C. prescription D. recipe 131 Driving a car with faulty brakes is ___ quite a risk. A. putting B. setting C. taking D. being 132 The new pills are round, so they're easier to ___. A. swallow B. eat C. chew D. bite 133 I had to be up early the next morning, so I ___ myself and left the party. A. refused B. thanked C. excused D. apologized 134 Do you ___ to go to the party? A. attempt B. attend C. intend D. pretend 135 The management received a lot of ___ about the poor service in their hotel. A. complaints B. information C. warnings D. advice 136 The opening ___ of the play took place in an army camp. A. stage B. scene C. sight D. piece 137 Despite her undoubted ability at tennis, she never became the ___ of the local
  16. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG tennis club. A. member B. partner C. champion D. winner 138 I hate being unemployed. I'd feel much happier if I were in ___. A. job B. touch C. prison D. work 139 It was difficult to ___ a date which was convenient for everyone. A. elect B. organize C. arrange D. provide 140 The young soldier ___ a dangerous mission across the desert, although he knew that he might be killed. A. undertook B. agreed C. promised D. entered 141 Because nobody admitted breaking the window, the ___ class was kept in after school. A. all B. whole C. each D. every 142 The bank seems to have credited my account with $100 in ___. A. mistake B. fortune C. error D. accident 143 Although this wine is quite cheap, it is very ___. A. drunk B. drinking C. drank D. drinkable 144 Excuse me, do you ___ me bringing my dog into your house? A. oppose B. mind C. object D. complain 145 He has a very ___ temper and often says things he regrets later. A. angry B. quick C. warm D. fast
  17. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 146 I'm afraid my speech may have ___ you as to my true aims. A. misled B. mistaken C. misunderstood D. miscalculated 147 Although the language was ___ and considered to be inferior to standard English, Robert Burns wrote his love poetry in the language of the Scots. A. interpreted B. belittled C. distinguished D. appreciated 148 Workers who do not obey the safety regulations will be ___ immediately. A. refused B. rejected C. disapproved D. dismissed 149 To make a good omelette, you must ___ the eggs very well. A. beat B. knock C. thrash D. bang 150 They caught him cheating. His chances of passing are ___ destroyed now. A. seriously B. completely C. severely D. hardly 151 We don't know her very well, only by ___. A. sight B. chance C. figure D. accident 152 The teacher ___ them the answer to the question. A. explained B. told C. said D. discussed 153 I wrote to the company ___ them for a catalogue. A. demanding B. asking C. enquiring D. applying 154 The interference on the radio was ___ by weather conditions. A. caused B. made C. raised D. due 155 You're looking very pale, do you ___ sick?
  18. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG A. fall B. faint C. feel D. become 156 This is a challenging position in the car industry for a qualified ___. A. engineer B. engine C. mechanical D. machinery 157 I met John ___ his bicycle along the pavement. A. pulling B. turning C. rolling D. wheeling 158 I tried to sew the button on myself, but I couldn't thread the ___. A. pin B. nail C. needle D. point 159 Children will work hard if the lessons are ___. A. expressing B. inquiring C. attracting D. interesting 160 I'll cook the potatoes if someone will ___ them first. A. skin B. peel C. strip D. uncover 161 I didn't realize everyone was going to wear formal clothes and I felt ___ in my jeans and jumper. A. insulted B. annoyed C. offended D. embarrassed 162 The colours in some of the photos we took two years ago have begun to ___. A. fail B. faint C. fade D. light 163 The only feature ___ to these two flowers is their preference for sandy soil. A. similar B. same C. shared D. common 164 This is such a boring job to do. It's a real pain in the ___. A. back
  19. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG B. way C. neck D. feathers 165 Try and ___ on the bright side - the worst may never happen! A. see B. look C. think D. consider 166 My younger sister is very ___ and so she loves going out but I am much quieter and prefer to stay at home. A. enjoyable B. funny C. pleasing D. lively 167 I can't possibly lend you any money; it is quite out of the ___. A. order B. question C. practice D. place 168 The cat showed her ___ for the stale fish by turning her back on it. A. distress B. disgust C. disgrace D. despair 169 The new manager explained to the staff that he hoped to ___ new procedures to save time and money. A. reduce B. recover C. manufacture D. establish 170 Several of the trees in the park were ___. A. sick B. ill C. diseased D. unhealthy 171 At a dinner to mark his retirement, Neville was ___ with a silver clock. A. provided B. given C. gifted D. presented 172 Scientists everywhere are trying to ___ a cure for AIDS. A. conclude B. invent C. discover D. make 173 The falling inflation rate is ___ to a decrease in the amount of borrowing. A. indicative
  20. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG B. attributed C. referred D. pertinent 174 When I went to talk to the manager, he told me he could only ___ me a few minutes. A. provide B. spare C. hear D. let 175 I'm so out of ___ that I can't run ten meters without puffing. A. health B. strength C. condition D. fitness 176 He went out of bed and took a few ___ but couldn't go any farther. A. stages B. starts C. steps D. actions 177 You will have to repeat the course because your work has been ___. A. unpleasant B. unnecessary C. unsatisfactory D. unusual 178 I've ___ for a job in Mexico. I hope I get it. A. applied B. appointed C. implied D. presented 179 Prevention is better than ___. A. solution B. answer C. treatment D. cure 180 If you want to attend a course, you should study the college ___ for full particulars of enrolment. A. prospect B. prospects C. prospectus D. syllabus 181 A historical novel is a form of ___ which may include many facts. A. legend B. fiction C. fantasy D. short story 182 The relationship that matters most in the life of a ___ is the one between him and his constituency party.
  21. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG A. captain B. politician C. manager D. judge 183 The picture is ___; the thief will be most disappointed when he tries to sell it! A. priceless B. invalid C. profitable D. worthless 184 One of the ___ has fallen off the church clock. A. arms B. fingers C. pointers D. hands 185 The weather was ___ the exceptionally poor harvest. A. blamed for B. condemned for C. accused of D. found fault with for 186 His application for a visa was turned ___ by the consulate. A. aside B. down C. out D. over 187 Shopping malls account for 60 percent of the retail business done in the United States because they are controlled environments which ___ concerns about the weather. A. eliminate B. necessitate C. foster D. justify 188 It's most unwise to ___ in a quarrel between a man and his wife. A. involve B. poke C. mix D. interfere 189 There's something wrong with my watch: it's ___ fifteen minutes in the last twelve hours. A. won B. progressed C. advanced D. gained 190 I took someone else's coat from the cloakroom by ___. A. mistake B. fortune C. error D. forgetfulness
  22. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG 191 Her parents give her anything she asks for, and as a result, she's very ___. A. ruined B. damaged C. harmed D. spoilt 192 The customer, who was shouting at the top of his voice, ___ his money back. A. appealed B. asked C. requested D. demanded 193 ___ to leave early is rarely granted. A. Allowance B. Permission C. Leave D. The privilege 194 The terms toad and frog refer to different animals belonging to different genuses, and careful students ___ the two. A. intermingle B. ignore C. distinguish D. confuse 195 Although the terms toad and frog refer to different animals belonging to different genuses, some students ___ the two. A. distinguish B. confuse C. respect D. observe 196 The tenants were ___ not to disturb other tenants after 1p.m. A. appealed B. demanded C. informed D. requested 197 Before joining a course of study, you must fill in a long ___ form. A. inscription B. enrolment C. reception D. inception 198 Too many undergraduates think it is easy to ___ a job once they leave university. Unfortunately, jobs for graduates are getting scare. Finding a suitable one is another problem. A. obtain B. attain C. collect D. apply 199 Elementary school children, who have not yet been repeatedly disappointed by other people, are much more ___ than older and more cynical high school students. A. inquisitive
  23. TRÌNH ĐỘ B: TỪ VỰNG B. relaxed C. enjoyable D. trusting 200 Naturally, I'm ___ that I didn't pass the examination but I'll do better next time. A. deceived B. despaired C. disappointed D. disillusioned