Nghiệp vụ ngân hàng - Chapter 3: Internal analysis

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Nội dung text: Nghiệp vụ ngân hàng - Chapter 3: Internal analysis

  1. BUSSSSSINESS STRATEG Y Chapter 3- Internal analysis Lecturer: PHD. PHẠM QUỐC KHÁNH BkiAdBanking Academy (Vit(Vietnam ) or Mobile: 0913210000
  2. Chapter 3- Internal analysis Learning outcomes ƒ After finishing this chapter, you will be able to: ƒ Understand the importance of internal environment to the strategy process. ƒ Analysis components of the internal environment with relevant tools/ methods. ƒ Identify strength and weakness for a business.
  3. Chapter 3- Internal analysis Learning outcomes
  4. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 1- The position audit, resources and limiting factors • Position audit: evaluate the current state of the company/ enterprise . Assets Products, Financial brands, List some resources markets examples of Position company /Resour ce resources? Operating Operating Which is the results systems most important? Organisat ion and HR
  5. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 1- The position audit, resources and limiting factors • Limiting factors (shortage or difficulty of resources/ supplies): limit the activities of a business. • [?] Give some examples of limiting factors which your company has to deal with. What are limiting factor’s influences to your company development?
  6. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 1- Resources utility for your business • Resource use: Effectiveness and Economy and Efficiency. • Management: doing thing right! • Leadership: doing right thing! • [?] Give an examples of company’s activity: – How do you have effective activity? – How do you have economic activity? – How do you have efficient activity?
  7. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 2- Competences and critical success factors • Distinctive competence of a company I what it does well or better than its competitors!
  8. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 2- Competences and critical success factors • Firm’s strengths that cannot be easily matched or imitated by competitors . • Skills in effectively coordinating and managing resources for productive use. • Key to Organizational Success : Coordination & understanding among managers from all functional areas!
  9. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 2- Competences and critical success factors • Strategies designed to improve on a firm’s weaknesses and turn to strengths .
  10. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 2- Competences and critical success factors • The Durability of Competitive Advantage: – Barriers to imitation • Speed of imitation by competitors in reducing advantage • IittibImitation by acqui iiring si iilmilar resources • Imitation of capabilities (more difficult) – Limit s on competit ors • Prior strategic commitments • Absorp tive capacit y for ch ange – Industry dynamism • The rapid innovation shortens product life cycles.
  11. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 3- Converting resources: the value chain • Value creation- Firm’s activities:
  12. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 3- Converting resources: the value chain • The Impact of Quality on Profits
  13. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 3- Converting resources: the value chain • The Impact of Efficiency, Quality, Innovation, and Customer Responsiveness on Unit Costs and Prices:
  14. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 3- Converting resources: the value chain
  15. Activities Support -Converting resources:thevaluechain 3- hpe 3 Chapter Technological Development Procurement Firm Infrastructure Human Resource Management Human Resource Inbound Logistics Primary Activities Operations 3 - nenlanalysis Internal Outbound Logistics Marketing and Sales Service analysis
  16. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 3- Converting resources: the value chain • Using value chain for securing competitive advantages: Combine act. New or better in new or ways to do better ways Manage the Manage the linkages in linkages in value chain value system
  17. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 4- Outputs: The products portfolio • Product life cycle:
  18. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 4- Outputs: The products portfolio • Product portfolio planning: BCG Matrix
  19. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Coordinating tasks: Standardizati on by skills Mutual and adjustment knowledge Standardizati Direct on of supervision outputs Standardizat ion of work processes
  20. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Components: The Mintzberg’s organigram. • Operating core: The basic work of producing the organization’s products and services gets done. • Strategic apex: The home of top management • Middle line: Managers who stand in a direct line relationship between the strategic apex and the operating core. • Techostructure: The staff analysts who design the systems by which work processes and outputs are standardized in the organization. • Support staff: The specialists who provide support to the organization outside of its operating workflow.
  21. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Design Parameters/ Principles: Job Behavior Training and specilitiialization ftiformation idindoc titrina tion Planning and Unit grouping Unit size control systems Vertical and Liaison devices horizontal decentralization
  22. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Hierarchy and span of control: • Distinctive characteristics of formal structure: Planned A division of div ision of Power centre labour responsibility Ability to Substitution of group personnel personnel
  23. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Hierarchy and span of control: • Worth reviewing of structure: It can help or hinder the mission and effectiveness of the organisation It might have to be changed, which takes time It shapes the deployment of value activities and the management of the linkages It channels and filter information from markets and personnel It is the arena for various political maneuverings by management, other interest group
  24. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • Hierarchy and span of control: Tall Large number of management organisation levels and small span of control. Flat Few management levels, more organisation flexible and responsive. Delayering organisation Removal of management layers. Informal Depend on individual organisation personalities
  25. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 5- Organisation structure • 7S model: STRATEGY SKILLS STRUCTURE VALUES/ SUPERORDINATE GOALS SYSTEMS STAFF STYLE
  26. Chapter 3- Internal analysis 6- Marketing audit and the customer base • Marketing audit involves a review of an organisation’s products and markets , marketing environment, its marketing system and operation. Markets Customers •Size of the customer base •Key customer identity •Size of individual orders •Customer history • SlSale revenue and profita bility • RltiRelations hip of customer to proddtuct •Segments •Relationship of customer to potential •Market share market •Growth •Customer attitude and behaviour •Demand for a certain products •The financial performance of the client • Price sensitive • The profitability of selling to the client •Market fragmented
  27. Chapter 3- Internal analysis How to do an internal analysis? Step 1 Prepare current product-market profile. Identify sources of competitive Step 2 advantage and disadvantage in the main product-market segments. Describe all the organizational Step 3 capabilities and competencies. Sort the core capabilities and Step 4 competencies according to strateggpic importance. Identify and agree on Step 5 the key capabilities and competencies.